Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

Russian Hero: Dmitriy Razumovskiy

"What Dima was in life? Dima was: honest, principled, fair, dedicated and persistent, sometimes was harsh and uncompromising. If you see injustice and meanness, could never stay away, always shown their dissatisfaction in the face, did not tolerate injustice. Always struggled with outrage, defending its position to the end. He was demanding to everyone, but most of all, to themselves. He was a true patriot. "
Widow of Hero of Russia D.A.Razumovskogo Eric Razumovskaya
 Our life sometimes there are people who have an inexplicable charm than attract almost all the others. They can be very few of us, but when life confronts them, the meeting can not be forgotten. They are easy to communicate and speak openly in the face of what is in their hearts. That is why they shun liars and hypocrites. Not everyone is ready to admit it, but people always above us on the head, they are leaders. They do not occupy high positions and do not tend to it, they are happy to be doing their job well. That such a man was a squad of "Vympel" Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Razumovsky.The Beslan tragedy was grief for the world, the whole country and many families in particular. In those terrible days, people did everything they could to save the lives of children, many - gave their. Riot in the assault often had to work "human shields", covering a baby. And everyone did, it did not hesitate for a second. "Alpha" and "Vympel" then lost 10 people. The first of them died colonel Dmitry Razumovsky, who was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.In battle he was always ahead, all he wanted to first check to save his comrades. So it was September 3, 2004. Dmitry Razumovsky was ahead ...- Guys, I got in, take out, - smoothly and quietly said Dima. The bullet entered just above "Bronicas" in the chest - a serious injury, but it seemed to his comrades, is not fatal. During the assault they were not thinking about death, the main goal was the life of children. Everyone was sure that Dima better and soon will rise in order ...Third toast: BORN TO BE THE FIRST

For the Leninist partyDIMA was born a leader. Around to do, he was the first. His school life was spent in one of the best schools in the Soviet Union, and probably the most famous - high school № 1 in Ulyanovsk, where he studied VI Lenin. The school even had a party for which the school took time leader of the world proletariat. Allowed to sit for her best students. It is now the name of Lenin is irrelevant to many students and their parents, and then in the school can learn only the best. And Dima was the best of the best: excellent student, an athlete, an activist ...Dime predicted a great future - the doors of any university was opened in front of him. He could become a diplomat, politician, famous person, for it had all the makings. This is like his parents, who were not the last people in a country town, and could help her son to go to some prestigious university. But Dmitry since childhood dreamed of only one thing - to become a border guard. All the boys in my childhood like war movies, are interested in guns, playing "real men." For Dima it was not a game - a naive children's desire to become a border guard strengthened and became the main target for a strong young man. It all started with the movie "The state border," it was his favorite picture that he could review the unlimited number of times. Unwavering commitment was one of the main features of Dima. So he went to the realization of his dream - preparing to enter college. He is seriously involved in sports and even in 1985 he became the USSR champion in boxing.Uncomfortable cadet
Dmitry was a man who was born to be a soldier. He just likes that kind of life, so the flow of the Moscow School was borderline for him true happiness. Not only the implementation of a child's dream, but also the first step in the case of all Sway life. Stay in the military is very different from the carefree school everyday. Here, all the relationships between the people on the surface, and immediately see what it represents everyone. In this environment, especially became apparent leadership of Dima. He could not tolerate injustice, lies and hypocrisy. "Inconvenient student," as it was called officers always told the truth in the face of anyone in regardless of his rank and insignia. Such qualities evoked classmates only admiration, so authority in collective Dima was very high.Tuning eightieth disliked men in military uniform, military service has ceased to be honorable. Young people are right or wrong to eschew appeals, and to vent their anger on the people in uniform. In Babushkinsky district of Moscow, where is the boundary school, a group of young people are often robbed of students, one by one returning from dismissal. "Soldier, let me smoke" - classically started dating, and then no one could stand up for himself, because one cope with five hard. One stayed in the dismissal and Dima, he was on his evening roll call, and then meet with a merry band zdorovyachkov nicotine perennial problem. Instead of answering the question on cocky bullies lightning rained down blows. This they did not expect and were forced to retreat by flight. Dima And then another long pin up classmates: "Dima, let smoke" - they threw him and immediately became the rack.Academically Dima saw only one goal - to prepare yourself for the officer's service in the highest degree. In those years, just was a war in Afghanistan, and Dmitry preparing himself to go on release in the "hot spot." He was engaged in melee fighting, trying to master to perfection all the military science. He was always a little knowledge, he wanted to get them more and more to improve. He paid attention to both practical training and theoretical, always read the books and for this would often sacrifice their personal time - sleep, leisure.Third toast: BORN TO BE THE FIRST
On either side of PanjON graduating Dima went to the most troubled region of the Union - Tajikistan. In 1990, the Afghan war has officially ended for the Soviet forces, but clashes with dushmanov border continued. Lieutenant Razumovsky began his service deputy chief Panj frontier outpost, continued - Head Gate Assault mobile group (DSHMG) Moscow frontier. It so happened that the first days of stay in, he made it clear that there is quite a troubled region. One young lieutenant went to the local market for groceries. And there he tried to steal. Obviously, detractors had hoped that the officer had not yet experienced enough and become easy prey. However, they are badly mistaken - Dima easily handle three of the attackers, and the others, probably afraid to tangle with him.This case has played in the life of a young officer, a significant role. First, he was once again convinced that he came into the hot region, where ever necessary to be alert. Secondly, the local people have become very respected as yet unknown to them man in camouflage, who cope with several strong men.Soon learned about Dima and spooks. From the first of their operations, he began to pick up with impressive results. If his team went out to search for, then it must come across a caravan or a group of "spirits." Almost every day, the group took part in armed clashes Razumovsky, and an absolute record for her was - six clashes a day. The plan was a service in DSHMG for Dima precisely what he wanted. After all, in fact it was a border commandos who carried out the most difficult tasks.- Land borders on our unit accounted for about 200 kilometers, - says Dmitry colleague in the Moscow border guard Alex deer. - He covered the 16 outposts and DSHMG - each barrel bung. Where a breakthrough border, where fighting broke out - a group of 15-20 people immersed for helicopters and there.But Dmitry himself saw his service otherwise. What he wrote in his largely autobiographical book, which he was unable to finish, "Lieutenant Kuznetsov went to his first duty station. He was happy because he was able to get distribution in an assault maneuver group - LH, as abbreviated as it guards ... The division was fighting, and it is particularly pleasing Dmitry. After all, what young officer does not dream to be in the place where the bullets are flying, howling mine and it shows miracles of courage and valor. Romance boiled in it, like the iron in a furnace. "And these lines Dmitry wrote, one might say, in between battles. When just beginning his service in Tajikistan border violations by Afghan were isolated in 1993, the same year the "spirits" are going here at home. The country has a civil war, it was increasingly kidnapping, robbing the local population. Border posts almost every day under fire. And not only small arms, but with mortars.DSHMG worked tirelessly. Almost every day the collision, the caravans, the endless flow of weapons and drugs. Dima group worked very smoothly and precisely. He has managed to create such a group, which operated as a unit. Everyone knew when the mountains are Razumovsky, be sure to perform a task and not lose any of the fighters. This is also known and spirits, so if they are in steals heard that works 203rd (call Dima), they tried to hide. And yet, whenever Dima left on the job, he came back with the results. Some attributed this to luck, but those who knew the Razumovsky close, knew that these results - large fruit Dimini works. After fighting work is not so much direct task, and to a greater degree of planning and good leadership during combat. Dima nights away each time to count the different situations in the conduct of the battle group, and, in fact, he had a ready way out of any trouble. Once it so happened that 18 guards led by Razumovsky surrounded about 200 dushmans. This was done on purpose, to destroy the 203rd. 11:00 was a fight, forcing could not help their comrades, as all approaches shoots mortars - spirits figured out all the details. Mortar battery only helped - peck on the positions of spirits according to a tip-off, which carry the commander. It would seem that the group has no chance, but she came out of the environment and, moreover, has not lost a single man, and the spirits were missing 24. In all the time that Dmitry Razumovsky served in Tajikistan, he did not lose a single employee. Although the deaths of many of his fellow ...Zastava 25 characters
Early in the morning July 13, 1993 at 12 Moscow frontier outpost was attacked three hundred dushmans. Border guards were surrounded, the fire was hail and was conducted with all kinds of weapons, including mortars. Border post, manned by only 80%, and increased by one of the crew of 149 BMP infantry regiment of the 201st Division, was unable to withstand such onslaught of the enemy.As described later, each Dmitry lieutenant Andrey Razumovsky Merzlikin, for several minutes, until the staff was armed outpost and went into the trenches, they covered the BMP crew, who fought to the last, until the car was hit by a grenade launcher. Finished with BMP, the Mujahideen concentrated their fire on the barracks, and she soon caught fire, just like the rest of the building."Once in the trenches, the guards opened fire - told Merzlikin. - First, it was unclear where the fire is. In the trenches, I met the chief outpost Lieutenant Michael Maiboroda. He has set specific targets for the sergeants and went on to lead the defense of the outpost the most intense portion of the border. A few minutes later I found out that Michael was killed, and took command himself.Zastava conducted fight as long as out of ammunition and grenades. Once it became clear that in the near future with no place to wait, and those who remain at the outpost facing imminent death, I decided to break the rear.In a brief moment of calm, I gathered all the wounded and survivors of soldiers, said his decision to break. Several people who have been difficult to move around on their own, have volunteered to cover our departure ... "During the battle at the Outpost 25 people were killed, 18, mostly wounded and shell-shocked, broke out of the encirclement. Dima for it was very great tragedy, almost all the dead guards he knew personally, and the chief outpost Mayboroda Michael was his close friend. Razumovsky most annoying omission higher command. No one could answer his questions, and there were plenty. A week before the attack on the outpost, in a conversation he had with Lieutenant Merzlikina found that perfume is almost settled in the open near the frontier. For all reports on this top left without adequate response, the command to destroy dushmanov so no one gave. Border guard were hard by outposts, but of death is not saved.Almost a year later history repeated itself. At 12 outpost was again an audacious attack killed seven border guards. At the time, Dmitri was on leave in his native Ulyanovsk, the news from the frontier learned on TV. He knew he had to do something to save his comrades from death to avenge the dead. But he could do all of his questions remained unanswered up which year. Then he decided to write about all what happened in the newspaper. After a few months in the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published an article entitled: "The Kremlin has forbidden me to avenge dead friends. But I do not do this order ... "The letter set out all that pent up for four years of service in Tajikistan. Dmitry it advocated not for himself, but for their comrades who perished stupid death. Letter ended with these words: "We are ready to serve you in the future" cannon fodder ", just do not know, for the sake of public interest killed our friends? Where is your concern for the Russian, Russia? Who will put an end to all this? "After the article was published captain Dmitry Razumovsky was dismissed from service. Some criticized him behind his back for having "made dirty linen in public," but many friends supported and tried to assure commanders that no Dima's border guard will be very bad, but nothing helped.When he took leave of his band, friends gave him a warning from the stabilizing parachute mines where everyone left their wishes. One of them was: "Captain, thank you, that has preserved for our mothers to their sons"Third toast: BORN TO BE THE FIRST 
Dream come trueAfter four years of hard service on the Tajik-Afghan border peaceful civilian life was a burden to Dmitri. It turned out that all his achievements and developments are not wanted. But he just wanted to get justice. It was a difficult time, Dima left without a favorite work, not long before his son was born, we had to feed his family. And what could make Dmitri, he could only fight.In his native Ulyanovsk he spent a short time, this time he pulled in troublesome thoughts and feelings. Razumovsky realized that you can not just sit and do nothing. He went to Moscow to try to get into "Alpha". To serve in this special unit of the FSB for it was an impossible dream. While still a cadet, he was eager to "Alpha", but it was more like a beautiful mirage - that he was there, and it is impossible to get to him. Yet Dmitry achieved his goal, but in a different division. By fate he was to serve in the "Vympel", whose existence at the time few knew.Here the service for him was a pleasure, a four-year experience at the border interested FSB commandos. Virtually all developments Razumovsky carefully studied, based on these guidelines were issued, instructions. And then in the course of Dmitry worked on creating teaching materials, and more. All of the trips back and tried to rest more, and the "irrepressible Major" drew diagrams, studied technical literature. Their energy and capacity for work, and he infected the others, it was impossible to sit back when Dmitry talked about his ideas, looking straight into the soul of his glittering eyes. This work in his office, he created a solid team, and it came to fruition - for all trips or a slave Razumovsky died. Naturally, a man quickly noticed above. The person who can not have a good fight, but sum up experience, to issue specific recommendations to be helpful in any governing body. But Dmitry refused all attractive offers, because I thought that is in place. His work brought a real pleasure, and that he was happy.But on account of Dmitry combat missions in the North Caucasus, and it is impossible to count. The work carried out there, always giving tangible results. For obvious reasons, most of the operations of "Vympel", which involved Colonel Razumovsky, can not tell, but some of the combat scenes told his comrades.Third toast: BORN TO BE THE FIRST 
Once during the second Chechen campaign group led by Razumovsky was tasked to organize an ambush near a small village. According to current data, it should go a small group of rebels in the 5-6 people in order to replenish products. Two days vympelovtsy conducted in a designated area, but no sign of movement of illegal armed groups were not. Already thought to return to base, and then of nowhere are eight militants. The commandos immediately suspected that it was not so much the ones they expected. The group was larger and their backpacks stuffed to capacity, that is, they are clearly not going to the village for food.Special Forces Group was not in a very convenient location for organizing ambushes: left river right steep sandy cliff wall, and time to change military positions were not. Nevertheless, it was decided to destroy the bandits. Two of them were put at once, and as soon as that happened, it became clear that the eight people only watch the big head of the gang "spirits." Immediately opened fire on special patrol appeared side bandits began to catch up core strength. Vympelovtsy found in a significant minority. However, this did not affect the outcome of the battle, which lasted about an hour. Dmitry calmly and confidently directed the actions of the group and none of the commandos was not even scratched, but the third gang fighters were destroyed. Who knows, maybe the rest would be finished off, especially as the group came to the aid of the Army Special Forces. But the rebels realized that the preponderance of the forces are no longer in their favor and hurried to depart.
Hero of Our Time- He went on leave on August 16 - says Eric, wife of Dmitry - was going to go to my parents in Ulyanovsk. First like the 30th, then said: "That's Michael goes to school, then I'll go ..." And in the morning he was summoned to work. He left, I turned on the TV and found out everything. The night before the fight, he told a friend: You know, I'd probably die. Usually, the boys when they faced a combat mission, if someone has a bad feeling, confusion, he did not take with him. But he could not go ...
Third toast: BORN TO BE THE FIRST 
Since the Beslan tragedy was more than three years, but the memory of those terrible days will live in the hearts of the people for many years. Everlasting memory of Hero of the Russian Federation Dmitry Razumovsky, which is named in honor of the now high school № 1 in Ulyanovsk. September 1, 2007 in the central square hometown hero was a monument to him.But the main memory of the Razumovsky lives in his children. Senior Michael, who was named commander of the 12th frontier Lieutenant Michael Maiboroda, this year, finishing eighth grade and wants to enter the Suvorov Military School to become an officer, like his father.
Scenes from him at fight at Beslan:

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