Sonntag, 1. April 2012

Joint exercises and riot policemen РБ и Зубр РФ

Belarusian and Russian special forces killed an armed gang together, which was hidden after a series of murders. All occurred in the border area. The house, sheltering criminals stormed.
Explosions of grenades and gunfire were heard residents of the capital district Uruchcha. In teaching the fighting involved just three units for special purposes. At the same time quietly defused some time, others - have detained the car, which could hide criminals. Surprise the men managed to catch the bandits and in a makeshift house. Tactically, the Russian Special Forces "Bison" had to operate under Belarusian law enforcers. Joint action by special forces police, and police secured the agreement of the Union State and the Organization of Collective Security Treaty. The next exercise will be held in the summer.

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